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Radio plays
Attaistic art
Schlingensief´s Movies

Schlingensief's filmmaking techniques illustrate his aesthetic vicinity to Fassbinder: the tendency to base the treatment of a particular subject matter on a sudden idea or a topical occasion, the anarchic and nonchalant approach to the forms of dramatic portrayal, the spontaneity of performing as an inferior re-enactment of everyday reality as well as a casual, disturbing tendency towards aggressiveness. Imitation and irritation assume key significance here. The objective is to find the most direct way of documenting a unique, unrepeatable occurrence, which consequently assumes a theatrical character. Schlingensief's films are personal statements - not just on the era in which they are set, but, in particular, on the time of their creation.

Please note: additional information on Schlingensief´s film works is only available in german language so far. To view the movie details please visit the schlingensief.com german edition.


- Freakstars 3000 (2003)
- Die 120 Tage von Bottrop (1997)
- United Trash (1995/96)
- Abschied von Agnes (1993)
- Diverse ZAK-Beiträge (1992/93)
- Tod eines Weltstars – Udo Kier (1992)
- Terror 2000 – Intensivstation Deutschland (1991/92)
- Gossenkind - Sehnsucht der Kinderschänder (1991)
- Das deutsche Kettensägenmassaker (1990)
- 100 Jahre Adolf Hitler (Die letzte Stunde im Führerbunker) (1988)
- Schafe in Wales (1988)
- Sukkubus Sukkubus - den Teufel im Leib (1987/88)
- Mutters Maske Blutsturz (1987/88)
- Wild auf Kino. Eine Reise durch den allerjüngsten deutschen Film (1987)
- Der Werwolf von W. (1987)
- Die Schlacht der Idioten (1986)
- Egomania – Insel der Hoffnung (1986)
- Johnny Flash (1986)
- Menu Total / Meat, Your Parents (Piece to Piece)(1985/86)
- Was geschah wirklich zwischen den Bildern? (1985)
- My Wife in 5 (1985)
- Bye, Bye (1985)
- Ringsherum (1984)
- Der Kontrabaß im Leichenwagen (1984)
- Bemerkungen (1984)
- Tunguska – die Kisten sind da (1983/84)
- What happend to Magdalena Jung? Die Macht der Unschuld (1983)
- Phantasus muss anders werden / Phantasus go home (1983)
- Wie würden Sie entscheiden? (1982)
- Für Elise (1982)
- Nekes (1982)
- Abfall – ein kostbarer Rohstoff (1982)
- Doktor Faustus (1981/82)
- Strommberg – Die letzte Nacht (1981)
- Eggtime (1981)
- Punkt (1978-80)
- Mensch, Mami, wir drehn ´nen Film (1977)
- Das Geheimnis des Grafen von Kraunitz (1976/77)
- Columbo (1975)
- Das Totenhaus der Lady Florence (1974/75)
- Rex, der unbekannte Mörder von London (1973)
- Wer tötet, kommt ins Kittchen (1972)
- Erdkundefilm (1970)
- Die Schulklasse (1969)
- Mein 1.Film. 1. Eine kleine Kriminalgeschichte. - 2. Kurzer Dreh mit
  Christoph Schlingensief. - 3. Allerlei Sachen. (1968)
- Der Fahnenschwenkerfilm (1968)

Additional information on Christoph Schlingensief

- "Totally confusing supposed unambiguities" - by Marion Löhndorf, Kunstforum
- It's not going - biography by the Guggenheim Museum New York (1998)
- Christoph Schlingensief - A biography by Till Briegleb, Goethe Institut
- Schlingensief.com German - Further information is available in german only
Schlingensiefs works

- Works overview
- Movies
- Theatre
- Radio plays
- TV-Shows
- Columns
- Attaistic art

Additional information

- Biography
- Press reviews
- Picture gallery
- Sound & Video
- Schlingensief Shop

External web sites

- Filmgalerie 451