English Deutsch Argentina
Brasil Chinese Latvijas
Radio plays
Attaistic art
Schlingensiefs performances

Schlingensief's (art) performances centre on prostitutes, down-and-outs, junkies, asylum-seekers and political attacks on the powers that be. Whether the foundation of a new party agenda (Chance 2000) or religious sect (Church of Fear), the deportation of asylum-seekers (Please Love Austria) or a call to murder the chancellor (Mein Filz, mein Fett, mein Hase...), his critical view of society is evident in all of his work, not just the more spectacular performances. He is always involved in the action, appearing in turns as an artist, a show host, as the leader of a sect, as party chairman or as a priest. Provocation and cynicism are crucial components of his work. The removal of the formal boundaries between the actors and their audience reflect Schlingensief's belief that the daily routine is in itself a staged event.

Please note: the information on Schlingensief´s performance projects is only available in german language so far.

- Diana 2 - What happened to Allan Kaprow?, Performance, London
- 18 Images a Second - Installation, Munich (2007)
- Wagner-Rallye 2004 (2004)
- Aktion 18 / Aktion 18 - Tötet Politik! (2002)
- Bitte liebt Österreich (2000)
- Deutschlandsuche '99 (1999-2000)
- Rettet den Kapitalismus, schmeißt das Geld weg! (1999)
- Berlin Biennale CHANCE 2000 Installation (1998)
- 7 Tage Entsorgung für Graz (1998)
- CHANCE 2000 - Wahldebakel '98 (1998)
- Tour des Verbrechens - Wahlkampftournee von CHANCE 2000 (1998)
- CHANCE 2000 - Baden im Wolfgangsee (1998)
- CHANCE 2000 - Wahlkampf in Deutschland (1998)
- CHANCE 2000 - Wahlkampfzirkus '98 (1998)
- Passion Impossible (1997)
- Mein Filz, mein Fett, mein Hase (1997)

Additional information on Christoph Schlingensief

- "Totally confusing supposed unambiguities" - by Marion Löhndorf, Kunstforum
- It's not going - biography by the Guggenheim Museum New York (1998)
- Christoph Schlingensief - A biography by Till Briegleb, Goethe Institut
- Schlingensief.com German - Further information is available in german only

Schlingensiefs works

- Works overview
- Movies
- Theatre
- Radio plays
- TV-Shows
- Columns
- Attaistic art

Additional information

- Biography
- Press reviews
- Picture gallery
- Sound & Video
- Schlingensief Shop

Performance web sites

- Diana II
- Aktion 18
- Wagner-Rallye 2004
- Wienaktion

External web sites

- Volksbühne Berlin
- Steirischer Herbst
- Schauspielhaus Zürich
- Schauspiel Hamburg
- schauspielfrankfurt
- Ruhrfestspiele
- Festspiele Bayreuth
- Burgtheater Wien